What are signs of California elder abuse?

The best case scenario for the aging population in Los Angeles will be to have a healthy life and not need to be cared for, even in their later years. Often, however, elderly people need to be watched and assisted to make certain they do not injure themselves or get hurt through a lack of […]

Nursing home error a major factor in patient damage

For people in Los Angeles and across the country, the decision to place an elderly family in an assisted living facility or nursing home is not an easy one. There are benefits to everyone if the facility is reputable and follows the applicable procedures when it comes to patient care. However, that is not always […]

Family files lawsuit alleging elderly relative was abused

In Los Angeles, and throughout the state of California, one of the most difficult decisions a family has to make is how to deal with a family member who needs rehabilitative care. When a loved one is in a facility of this kind, the worst case scenario for these families is if there is medical […]

Medical errors are going down

A report released in December 2014 has found that preventable errors in hospitals, such as drug mistakes, bed sores and infections, were reduced by 17 percent between the years of 2010 and 2013. This has resulted in about $12 billion in saved health care costs and an estimated 50,000 fewer deaths associated with errors. The […]